kwaadbloed vzw
A performance by and with Wannes Deneer and Ugo Dehaes.

A beam is a building element, a beam, for building roofs, rooms, tables, chairs, benches, bleachers, structures. A beam is also a common spatial form for a box, a brick, a closet, a room. A stack of beams can become a beam again. For notation of music, beams are used.

BALK begins in a room, the room falling apart, into building blocks for something new.

BALK is about a room that disappears, a memory that fades, the cosmos that expands, life that evolves, a human that transforms, a house that explodes, atoms that are recovered, wood that is recycled.

In BALK, scenography, choreography and sound are intertwined. For this performance, Wannes and Ugo together create a construction in which things dance. The energy of movement originates with them. They ignite visual and auditory sparks, a butterfly effect on the imagination.

A simple room, a table, a chair, a record player, music
the parts come into motion
the room swells
parts appear separately
atoms come loose.
Old becomes new,
concrete becomes abstract
a beam, a block, a disc, music.